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浙江LNG三期项目接收站工程深冷控制阀(Globe?Valve) 国际招标公告(1)

   日期:2023-12-22     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:中化建国际对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2023-12-22在 公告。本次招标采用电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投
中化建国际 对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2023-12-22在 公告。本次招标采用电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。1、招标条件项目概况:深冷控制阀(Globe?Valve)资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已落实项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备2、招标内容招标项目编号:0704-2340JDCP2336招标项目名称:浙江LNG三期项目接收站工程深冷控制阀(Globe?Valve) 项目实施地点:中国浙江省招标产品列表(主要设备):
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注
1 低温工艺球阀(16寸及以上) 18 台 详见招标文件
3、投标人资格要求投标人应具备的资格或业绩:对投标人的资格和业绩要求:Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:?(1)资格要求?Requirements for Qualification of Bidder?A.如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照复印件;如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明;A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide photocopies of?valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined?certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.从中华人民共和国关境内制造的货物:投标人只能为投标设备的制造商。For goods manufactured within PRC customs territory?:Bidders can only be the manufacturers of the bidding equipment.从中华人民共和国关境外制造的货物:投标人可为投标设备的制造商或授权代理商。For goods manufactured outside?PRC customs territory:?Bidders can be the manufacturers or Authorized Agents of the bidding equipment.?如果投标人为代理商,投标人应得到所投货物制造商同意其为本次投标提供该货物的合法正式授权书。If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding.?C. 是否接受联合体投标:否Joint Venture: Not AcceptedD. 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以Bid without the bidding documents:NOT AvailableE.其它others: (2)资质要求及证明文件Requirements of Qualification of Bidder?and Certificate?投标人应提供投标产品制造商有效认证证书复印件,证书认证的制造商名称应与其所提供业绩的制造商、此次投标货物的制造商一致。?The bidder shall provide copies of the certifications of the manufacturer when bidding. And the name of the certificates shall be the same with the manufacture of References and the manufacture of the bidding Goods.A投标产品国内制造商应在投标时提供TS证书(特种设备生产许可证)和覆盖投标产品范围【阀门类型(控制阀)、温度、口径及磅级】的TSX证书(特种设备型式试验证书)。投标产品国外制造商应和国内制造商同样提供上述证明文件,如投标人在投标时无法提供国外制造商的TS证书,需在投标时提供书面承诺函,承诺内容为: 供货前提供阀门原产地证明和 2024 年 5月 31 前提供 TS 证书 (特种设备生产许可证),承诺函格式详见附件17。Domestic manufacturers of bidding products should provide a TS certificate (Special Equipment Production License) and a TSX certificate (Special Equipment Type Test Certificate) covering the scope of the bidding product [valve type( control valve), temperature , diameter, and scale] when bidding. The foreign manufacturer of the bidding product should provide the same certification documents as the domestic manufacturer. If the bidder is unable to provide the TS certificate of the foreign manufacturer during the bidding process, a written commitment letter must be provided during the bidding process. The commitment content is to provide the certificate of origin of the valve before supply and the TS certificate (special equipment production license) before May 31, 2024.?The format of the commitment letter is shown in Annex 17.(3)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:2010年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投产品的制造商在中国境内应具有至少2个LNG接收站或具有接收站性质的(即满足GB51156-2015液化天然气接收站工程设计规范)调峰站项目(需提供满足GB51156-2015液化天然气接收站工程设计规范2.0.2液化天然气接收站:对船运液化天然气进行接收、储存、气化和外输等作业的场站要素的证明材料,证明材料通过国家发改委、省级发改委、政府网站、项目业主官网等官方网站查询,以加盖公章的截图形式提供)深冷控制阀的供货业绩(要求2个项目业绩,同一项目提供多个合同视为一个业绩),且其中至少1个业绩同时包括如下内容:1)深冷控制阀供货数量不少于20台(套),且2)具有至少2台尺寸≥8"且磅级≥1500LB的深冷控制阀。From January 1, 2010 to the deadline for submission of bids (subject to the time of signing the contract),?the manufacturer of the products submitted by the bidder shall have at least 2 LNG receiving station projects or peak shaving station projects with receiving station characteristics within China (i.e. meeting the GB51156-2015 Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station Engineering Design Specification) (Proof materials that meet the requirements of GB51156-2015 Design Specification for Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Engineering 2.0.2 Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal: The site elements for receiving, storing, gasifying, and exporting liquefied natural gas transported by ships must be provided. The proof materials can be found on official websites such as the National Development and Reform Commission, provincial-level Development and Reform Commission, government websites, and project owners' official websites, and provided in the form of screenshots stamped with official seals.)(Two project performances are required, and providing multiple contracts for the same project is considered one performance). And at least one of the performance includes the following content: 1) The supply quantity of Cryogenic Control Valve?must include less than 20 sets, and 2) must include less than?2 Cryogenic Control Valve?with a size of ≥ 8 "and above, weighing ≥ CL1500.投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1)销售合同【或】销售订单【框架协议下订单(需提供主框架协议)复印件(含相关技术附件)和2)到货验收材料。?投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、项目名称、供货数量、规格型号(口径、磅级)、到货验收材料。如提供的是调峰站业绩,投标人还需提供调峰站(满足GB51156-2015液化天然气接收站工程设计规范2.0.2液化天然气接收站:对船运液化天然气进行接收、储存、气化和外输等作业的场站)要素的证明材料,证明材料通过国家发改委、省级发改委、政府网站、项目业主官网等官方网站查询,以加盖公章的截图形式提供。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件未体现上述信息的,均视为无效业绩。The Bidder shall furnish reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract?[or] sales order [under framework agreement (main framework agreement required) or individual supply contract] (including relevant technical attachments) and 2) Receiving certificate of arrival of goods. The?reference evidence certification furnished by?Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: Date of signing contract, name of manufacturer, name of Goods, name of project,?supply quantity, specifications and models (caliber, pound class ?), arrival acceptance materials .If the performance of the peak shaving station is provided, the tenderer also needs to provide proof materials that the peak shaving station (meets the requirements of GB51156-2015 Design Specification for Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station Engineering 2.0.2 Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station :a station for receiving, storing, gasifying, and exporting liquefied natural gas transported by ships), the documents were obtained from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the government website, the project owner's website and other official websites, and provided to the tenderers in the form of screenshots stamped with official seals.Failure to submit performance certification documents, or performance certification documents provided that do not reflect the above information, shall be deemed invalid performance. (4)其它要求及证明文件Other Requirements of Qualification of Bidder?and Certificate①投标产品制造商应提供仪表数据表中有SIL等级的阀位开关的SIL2及以上证书,并保证所供产品的品牌与投标名单一致。颁发SIL证书的认证机构应是国家认监委认可的认证机构或国际权威第三方机构,如TUV、Exida、BV、DNV、SIRA等。The manufacturer?of?the?bid?product shall provide SIL2 and above certificates for the?valve position switch with SIL level in the instrument data sheet, ensure that the brand of the supplied product is consistent with the bidding list. The certification body issuing the SIL certificate should be a certification body recognized by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration or an internationally authoritative third-party organization, such as TUV, Exida, BV, DNV, SIRA, etc.?②投标人应提供本安型阀门定位器、隔爆型电磁阀、隔爆型限位开关的中国国家授权防爆认证机构颁发的产品防爆合格证和CCC认证证书,投标时需确认本安型阀门定位器、隔爆型电磁阀、隔爆型限位开关的品牌名单(一个或多个),每个品牌都要提供对应的产品防爆合格证和CCC认证证书,并保证所供产品的品牌与投标名单一致。The bidder shall provide the Intrinsically Safe Valve Positioner, explosion-proof qualification certificate and CCC certification certificate issued by the Chinese national authorized explosion-proof certification agency for explosion-proof solenoid valves and explosion-proof limit switches. When bidding, it is necessary to ensure the brand list (one or more) of Intrinsically Safe Valve Positioner, explosion-proof solenoid valves and explosion-proof limit switches, each brand must provide a corresponding CCC certification certificate?and ensure that the brand of the supplied products is consistent with the bidding list.是否接受联合体投标:不接受未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以4、

项目 联系人:李杨  
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com



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