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   日期:2024-05-06     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:澄清或变更简要说明:投标截止时间(开标时间)更改为:2024-05-13 09:30天津渤化化工进出口 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行

澄清或变更简要说明:投标截止时间(开标时间)更改为:2024-05-13 09:30
天津渤化化工进出口 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-05-06在发布变更公告。

项目概况:天津渤化化工发展 “两化”搬迁改造项目-12万吨/年糊树脂装置项目。



招标项目名称:天津渤化化工发展 “两化”搬迁改造项目-12万吨/年糊树脂装置项目液相氯乙烯单体干燥及VCM尾气回收装置(变压吸附)国际竞争性公开招标项目


The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the Bidding document from the Tendering Agent, and has participated in the bid. Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the Bidding document from the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid.

This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal persons or other organizations within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) or from all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries/areas”).

Any legal person or other organization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate in the bid.

Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or to prepare the Bidding document is not allowed to participate in the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bidder.

Different Bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management should not participate in the bids for the same package. except for the case to form a Joint Venture to bid.

The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent.
(7)投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在(网 否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。

Bidders should successfully complete the registration on http:// (hereinafter abb. as “the Website”) prior to the deadline for submission of Bids stipulated in the Bidding document. Otherwise, the Bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by Bidders.

Copies of business licenses shall be submitted by bidders in China and copies of registration certificates shall be submitted by bidders abroad. Sealing with company stamp for domestic bidders(excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below), while only signing for bidders abroad(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below)

The Bidder shall be professional equipment manufacturerof pressure swing adsorption treatment equipment, and have the corresponding qualifications and capabilities in equipment design, manufacturing, supply, testing, acceptance, personnel organization, after-sales service, and other aspects required to complete this bidding project. “Manufacturer Qualification Statement” shall be provided (the format is as per IV-9-2 in Chapter IV of Volume I).
(10)投标人提供2014 年1 月1 日至今在国内糊树脂生产企业液相氯乙烯单体干燥和VCM尾气回收装置(变压吸附)稳定运行的业绩各一套。


The bidder must have a stable operation performance of at least 1 set of liquid phase vinyl chloride monomer drying and vcm tail gas recovery device (pressure swing adsorption) for the paste resin plant in mainland China from January 1, 2014 to now.
The conditions for recognizing effective performance are:
Bidders to provide a list of performance (the Format of Relevant Experiences List is as per the Attachment 1 of Section Six), with contracts, user certificate and other supporting materials. The contract need to reflect the relevant information lnclude but not limited to contract signature page, equipment name, specifications and models, and other information in the performance list. The copy of the contract with its company sealing for domestic bidders(excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below), while only signing for bidders abroad(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below);

The bidder shall provide the original letter of commitment for the manufacturer's product quality assurance and after-sales service.

The bidder must provide the copies of ISO9001 quality management system certification certificates within the validity period (the domestic bidder must affix the official seal, and the overseas bidder only needs the signature of the authorized person).

Power of Attorney of legal representative (the format is as per Section 4 Form IV-8,ITB Volume One), Certificate Identity of legal representative and the Identification Card of the authorized representative shall be provided; if the authorized representative for the bid is the company’s legal representative, the qualified company’s legal representative certificated and his Identification Card shall be provided.
Bidders shall provide the original Credit Certificates issued by the bank where his basic account is open, or the copy of Annual Audit Report of 2022 with its company sealing for domestic bidders(excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below), while only signing for bidders abroad(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below).
未在中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先点击注册。登录成功后的在 招标会员 区根据招标公告的相应说明获取招标文件!
手 机:18811547188


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