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流花28-2/27-1气田开发项目高完整性压力保护系统 - 国际招标公告(1)

   日期:2024-11-28     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    

中化建国际 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-11-28在公告。


投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder A.★营业执照:如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照;如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。
窗体顶端窗体底端A.★Business licence: The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.★制造商要求:所投产品为境内产品:投标人需是逻辑控制器的制造商或取得逻辑控制器制造商唯一授权的成撬商。
B. ★ Manufacturer requirement:Goods Offered from within the PRC Customs Territory:Bidders must be logic controller of HIPPS’s Manufacturers, or the Skid Makers which is sole authorized by the logic controller of HIPPS’s Manufacturers.Goods Offered from within the PRC Customs Territory: Logic controller of HIPPS’s Manufacturers or Skid Maker or Agent which is sole authorized by the logic controller of HIPPS’s Manufacturers are allowed to bid.If the Bidder is a Skid Maker or Agent,must obtain the sole legal authorization by the logic controller of HIPPS’s Manufacturers in this bid, and shall provide the following documents (stamped with the official seal of the Manufacturer) :1)The original unique authorization letter from logic controller Manufacturer within the validity period,or the copy of the original (the original is for reference, and the Bidder must promise that if the bid is won, the original unique authorization letter will be provided before the contract is signed);2)Commitment letter from the Manufacturer of the HIPPS logic controller, promising that the bidding products will be produced by the Manufacturer's factory.C.★质量体系认证要求:投标人所投逻辑解算器与HIPPS系统内关断阀的制造商应通过ISO9001(或GB/T19001)质量体系认证。
C.★Quality Management System Certification requirement: The manufacturer of the HIPPS SDV and logic controller shall pass Quality Management System Certification ISO9001(or GB/T19001)Certification. Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of Quality Management System Certification of manufacturer.D. ★是否接受联合体投标:否。
D. ★Joint Venture: Not Accepted.E.未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以。
E.Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available.(2)资质要求及证明文件Requirements of Qualification of Bidder and Certificate★HIPPS特种证书要求:投标人所供HIPPS系统中的阀门制造商应取得由国家市场监督管理总局颁发的特种设备生产许可证TS A1及覆盖本次招标范围的由第三方颁发的特种设备型式试验证书,投标人应在投标时提供上述证书的扫描件。
★The HIPPS special certificate requirements:The manufacturers of pressure pipeline components such as valves and matching flanges in the HIPPS system provided by the bidder shall obtain the special equipment manufacturing license (TS A1 certificate) awarded by State Administration for Market Regulation and the special equipment type test certificate covering the scope of this bidding awarded by third party,Bidders should provide scanned copies of the aforementioned certificates during the bidding process.(3)★业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:投标人需满足以下所有要求:The Bidder needs to meet all below requirements:1.2014年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投的HIPPS系统的逻辑控制器的制造商至少有一套介质为石油或天然气的生产装置上HIPPS系统的供货业绩,且该HIPPS取得不低于SIL3的证书,投标人所投的逻辑解算器品牌需与上述逻辑解算器业绩一致。
投标人须提交有效的业绩表(格式参考附件3 )和相关证明文件(1.合同复印件相关章节;2.到货验收材料(买方签字或盖章的到货验收单或现场调试报告或使用证明或验收证明);3.该HIPPS业绩取得的不低于SIL3的证书)。
1.From Jan 1st, 2014 to the deadline of bids submission stipulated(based on the date of contract signing), the Manufacturer of logic controller in the HIPPS system submitted by the Bidder shall have at least one set of supply performance on oil or gas production HIPPS with no less than SIL-3 certificate, the brand of the logic solver submitted by the Bidder shall be consistent with the performance of the logic solver mentioned above. The Bidder shall submit valid track records (See Attachment 3 for reference)and relevant documentary evidence (1. Relevant chapters copies of contract. 2. Delivery acceptance materials (signed or stamped by the Buyer  on the delivery acceptance form, on-site debugging report, or proof of use or acceptance. 3. No less than SIL-3 certificate obtained by the HIPPS project).2.2014年 1 月 1 日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投的HIPPS系统中关断球阀的制造商至少具有一套介质为石油或天然气的生产装置上HIPPS系统中的配套供货业绩,且该业绩技术规格满足阀门尺寸≥20"、阀门压力磅级≥1500LB、阀门密封形式为硬密封,阀门材质为双相钢。
投标人须提交有效的业绩表(格式参考附件3 )和相关证明文件(1.合同复印件相关章节;2.到货验收材料(买方签字或盖章的到货验收单或现场调试报告或使用证明或验收证明)。
2.From Jan 1st, 2014 to the deadline of bids submission stipulated(based on the date of contract signing), the Manufacturer of HIPPS shutdown ball valves provided by Bidder shall have at least one set track record (valve size and pressure class is not less than 20" x 1500LB,the valve sealing form is a hard seal, the valve body material is duplex stainless steel applied on Oil or Gas Production Process HIPPS (The signing date of contract is regarded as track record time). The brand and production factory of SDV track records must be the same brand with the SDV bidding above. The Bidder shall submit valid track records(See Attachment 3 for reference)and relevant documentary evidence (1. Relevant chapters copies of contract. 2. Delivery acceptance materials (signed or stamped by the Buyer on the delivery acceptance form, on-site debugging report, or proof of use or acceptance).业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称、供货数量、设备所属介质为石油或天然气的生产装置类型、逻辑解算器品牌、阀门尺寸、阀门压力磅级、阀门品牌、阀门密封形式为硬密封及生产工厂、到货验收材料、HIPPS业绩的SIL3证书等。
The documentary evidence shall contain but not limited to: the date of contract signing, equipment name, quantity, type of oil&gas production facility, the brand of logic solver, valve's size and pressure class, valve's brand, valve sealing form is a hard seal and production factory, delivery acceptance materials. Absence of the reference evidence documents or failure to verify the foregoing information shall be deemed as an invalid track records.
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